Ease of Use
Simple but Powerful
The main design criterion when we designed the program was ease of use combined with innovative functionality.
Teleos is designed around a series of 'Channels' which correspond to the physical locations of a practice; Reception, Consulting Room, Administration Office and so on.
Workstations are configured to load their appropriate channel dependent on where it is located. This means that staff don't have redundant options on their screens - they have the tools to do their own jobs. Simple.

Diary Screens and Rotas
See the status of the whole practice on one page
​The Teleos diary provides numerous tools to allow it to be customised to the needs of your practice. It's inbuilt rota system means that you can easily find when individual vets are available. The whole diary is colour coded for ease of use.
Multiple diary pages are available so you can create diaries for branch surgeries, Operations Lists, In Patients, Farm Visits, To Do Lists and so on.

Clinical Work Entry
Customisable to how you want work entered
Work entry buttons are highly customisable, so you can enter work into a form layout that suits you.

X-Rays and Diagrams
See the complete picture from one screen
Teleos clients enjoy the benefits of direct connection to their digital xray suite. Images are easily linked to the patient record with a minimum of effort.

Link to Lab Equipment
Bi-directional communication with leading lab equipment
Teleos can directly interface to numerous makes of in-house lab equipment, including Idexx, Axiom, Abaxis and Scilvet.

Inventory Control
Keep your stocks to a minimum and your money in your bank!
Effective and advanced inventory management. Teleos keeps track of stock, product prices, re-ordering and billing, putting you back in control.
Teleos links to all of the major wholesalers and provides full traceability.

Monitor Your Performance
So, just how is your practice performing?
Teleos contains numerous reports that will allow you to monitor your practice and staff.
The highly acclaimed Teleos KPI Dashboard is included as standard.

Marketing Your Practice
Maximise your opportunities
Many marketing tools are provided in Teleos, including targeted email facilities and SMS texting. Client reminders for any service or product are easily sent. SQL reports allow targeted campaigns and you can automatically send appointment reminders via SMS.

Link To Other Services
We communicate!
Teleos seamlessly integrates with many external service providers such as VetEnvoy, Vetstoria, iRecall, VetHelpDirect and PetsApp.
We also work with Agria Pet Insurance to provide additional client benefits and seamless integration into the program. You can even view client policies at the touch of a button.
Teleos also works with a number of University projects such as SAVSNET.

GDPR Compliance Tools
Some very simple to use procedures were added in early 2018 to provide practices with a way to comply to the GDPR of 25 May 2018.
In addition to obtaining consent for Marketing functions, clients can also specify their delivery preferences for Treatment reminders and Information.
Tools have also been provided for Right of Erasure and histories can be emailed without identifying the client.